
24 June 2015

Have Gum, Will Travel

Have Gun-Will Travel gum cards

Didn't know these existed until recently. Always liked Paladins early first season "work suit"with the little tie. 

 See the tie, get ready to die...


  1. The tie is Sanish Californian.

    Similar to the one worn by Richard Long in the first set of episodes in "The Big Valley"'s first season.

    As to the cards, if memory serves, one of the P&G products that sponsored the show did that promotion, but I recall the format as being different - Paladin's calling card on one side and a B&W scene on the other.

    If they were bubble gum cards, they're new to me, too

    1. They're the size and shape of gum cards, but I cannot be sure. They are copyrighted by T.C.G. which I believe is Topps.

      Paladin only wore his tie about halfway thru the first season. There is an episode in the 2nd where he wears it, but it was a leftover never shown the first year.

    2. FWIW HGWT aired a full 39 episodes until the last season, so they must have made at least 40 the first year.

      I know "77 Sunset Strip" aired 41 the years Richard Long was on it.

      I wonder how many other shows like that.
