
05 October 2012

The Art of Arthur Sarnoff

 Prior to working as an illustrator, Sarnoff (1912-2000) studied at the Industrial School and the Grand Central School of Art in New York City.  He was a member of the Society of Illustrators
He did extensive commercial work for weekly magazines and his art appeared in a variety of advertising campaigns including Karo Syrup, Dextrose, Lucky Strike, Coors, Camay, Sal Hepatica, Listerine, Vick's Vapo Rub, Meds, and Ipana. He also made an album cover for the American punk band Butthole Surfers for their third album, Locust Abortion Technician, which portrays two clowns playing with a dog.  

During his career Sarnoff provided illustrations for McCall's, American Weekly, Collier's, Woman's Home Companion, Redbook, The American Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, and Good Housekeeping.

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