
29 July 2012

Major Inapak Space Ace

After he left DC, Vin Sullivan formed Magazine Enterprises in 1943, known mainly for their westerns such  as the original Ghost Rider. In 1951 they produced this 16 page giveaway for a dairy company.

 The art was by Bob Powell and features a great speechless page near the end showing a fight punctuated by  THUDs and POWs.

Powell was quite prolific , drawing, among others, Cave Girl, Airboy, and Daredevil.  He was born Robert Pawlowski  in 1916 . He legally changed his name in 1943. He studied art at the  Pratt Institute in New York City before joining the Eisner / Inger studio where he worked on the Sheena stories in Jungle Comics. 

He was with Marvel comics only a short time before his death in 1967.

Here is the complete Major Inapak Space Ace comic book.


  1. By sheer coincidence I just read Major Inapak. A friend of mine let me borrow his copy and here I was thinking, "I'll post this on my blog!"


    Great minds think alike! And what a gorgeous book.
