
02 January 2012

A Few More Full Page Comic Panels

found a few more....
from Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 AD #3
#3 Aug 1963

from Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 AD #7
#7, Aug 1964
 both Magnus pages by Russ Manning

From The Man From U.N.C.L.E. #18 by Mike Roy
issue 18, May 1968

from Space Family Robinson #8 by Dan Spiegle

#8, June 1964


  1. Three of my favorite GK comics, especially Magnus. Really liked their flying cars (shouldn't we have those by now?), but not so keen about running around in a miniskirt.

    Man From U.N.C.L.E. good as a comic, but I mostly read the books:
    For awhile, there was a digest detective magazine that took the logo, but it was along the same format as some of the other "name" detective magazines of the time ("Saint", "Mike Shayne," etc) in that it had one story about UNCLE, and the other stories were by various mystery writers.

    I regularly read Space Family, but was drawn more toward the Solar and Turok titles.

    Thanks for posting the memories.

  2. ~Really liked their flying cars (shouldn't we have those by now?)~

    Drivers can hardly manage TWO dimensions let alone THREE!!!

    I read all or most of the UNCLE paperbacks. I remember one was confiscated by a 7th grade teacher:(

    I've had a few issues of the UNCLE magazine also. I remember the SAINT's. Were't there a couple of issues of GIRL FROM UNCLE ?

    Glad you like my site.

  3. I remember now that GFU DID have her own magazine. There are several issues on eBay at frankly "optimistic" prices.
