
29 January 2012

Dell Four Color #1348 "Yak Yak" (1962)

As the Western Publishing - Dell Comics union was coming to a halt, some interesting stuff emerged from Poughkeepsie, such as one of the final issues in the Four Color series. Number 1348* was a Jack Davis one man show, very much in the vein of his work for MAD Magazine. Here are a few sample pages.

* In the final years of Four Color there are some  gaps in numbering that probably have no issues. There are 1331 known Dell Four Color Issues, yet the last one is number 1354.


  1. Do you by chance know where I could buy the Yak Yak #2 at a reasonable price? I'm not a collector, but read them as a kid.

  2. "Do you by chance know where I could buy the Yak Yak #2 at a reasonable price? I'm not a collector, but read them as a kid."

    If you are L.H. I can send you a scan of it, free of charge.
