
15 March 2015

Comic Book Cover / Splash Page Clones, Part 26

Mike Shayne Private Eye #1 (November-January 1962). Cover possibly by Vic Prezio , interior by Edd Ashe. Car on cover is a small (for the day) Chrysler or Dodge sedan , sort of a Valiant  with fins added. Inside it's a larger coupe, much like a Coronet.

Joe Gallagher drew this cover, repeated on the splash page, for  All-Star Comics #19 (Winter 1943-44)

Looks like they used elements from Dick Sprang's splash page  for the cover of  Detective Comics #102 (August 1945)

Gil Kane did both the splash and cover for Green Lantern #17 (December 1962), yet the blue suit guy is much older on the cover.

 Mystery in Space #85 (August 1963). The Infantino /  Anderson team did the cover and splash, which are almsost identical except for the angle of the ground.

Russ Heath drew both...slightly different angle, team in different positions.Sea Devils #9 (January-February 1963)