
09 January 2013

Pete Kelly's Blues~ Dr Budd

PETE KELLYS BLUES was a early 1950s radio drama with Jack Webb. It was very "noir" , but much more understated than its contemporaries PHILLIP MARLOWE and othe detective types. Webb plays a 1920's "hot jazz" (sort of dixieland) musician in the bad end of town who gets mixed up with gangsters. Things don't end up all nice and tidy as in most radio dramas of the day.
Six episodes are all the exist, none with very good audio qualities. I think they are worth hearing. Here is my favorite of the group.
From Sept 19 , 1951

1 comment:

  1. There was a TV series, too. I vaguely remember seeing it as a kid. Even as a kid I couldn't mistake the monotone dum-da-dum-dum dialogue delivery of "Dragnet." All Webb's series used that style...I guess he considered it naturalistic. Wikipedia says the TV show aired in 1959.
