
03 January 2013

Betty & Veronica Full Page Panel

Everyone knows I go nuts for comic book full page panels (as opposed to splash pages). Here is a nice one from Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica #136 (April 1967) 
Pencils:Dan DeCarlo                                i nks:Rudy Lapick

There are also 2 nice pinups this issue, again by DeCarlo & Lapick

1 comment:

  1. 1/16/13 wrote:
    That one Betty & Veronica cover with the "NBC Peacock" shirts was clever. Ironically, it was rival station CBS that aired the Archies cartoon series in 1968. NBC didn't get a chance to show any Archie cartoons until 1977,and unfortunately, they were not as successful in the ratings as the CBS efforts.
