
15 April 2011

TV comicbook tie-ins of the 50s & 60s PART 3

A friend of mine, who is obviously not a comicbook geek, noted after seening a post on this site that he didn't realise that so many TV shows had comicbooks issued for them. He's a decade younger than me, so he has NO IDEA how many TV tie ins there were, mostly done by Western Publishing. One of the nicest aspects of the TV comic versions were the color photo covers. Almost all TV shows before 1966 were broadcast in monochrome. These color photos added to the allure of the comic product. Since my friend is a big fan of retro-tv, I hope he'll enjoy seeing some of these. And  I hope other fans do too.

Here are cover examples of quite a few, one per series, but I'm sure I have missed some. In no particlar order

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